The compendium for digital photography is available on the Web-Site of the ECI since September 2006. This work is a cooperation of ECI and the German adf. The translation of the German version, which was released in January 2006, was sponsored by Image Engineering Dietmar Wüller, Tecco Braun & Frings GmbH and LaserSoft Imaging AG. DigiPix 3 holds some very valuable information for all photographer to provide help in their daly work. An electronic version is available as PDF in the download area.
A working draft that incorporates eciRGB as part of ISO 22028 is currently being prepared by Dietmar Wueller. As of now eciRGB is supposed to become part 5 of ISO 22028, with part one being the general part, RIMM and ROMM RGB being covered in part 2 and 3, and Adobe RGB included as part 4. Since Adobe wishes to keep control of Adobe RGB part 4 may have to be published as a technical specification instead of an international standard.
The new working group “Digital photography” held its first meeting May 16, 2003, in Frankfurt/Main. Chaired by Dieter Dolezal (Hirte Medien-Service) and Dietmar Wueller (Image Engineering), the working group decided to first work on a white paper specifying the requirements for file formats and color characterizations for digital cameras. Furthrermore it is planned to develop best practice guidelines for creating, processing and delivering digital images.