Martin Bailey, one of the most active members of ISO in the development of the PDF/X standards (and as Senior Technical Consultant a longstanding employee of Global Graphics ), has updated his PDF/X FAQ. This PDF/X FAQ is now available in English and German language as a free PDF download in the Download section of the ECI website. While the PDF/X standards as such due to their rigid and formalized language are not easily understood by everyone, Bailey's PDF/X FAQ offers an excellent introduction into all aspects of PDF/X and discusses the basics as well as recent and future developments of the PDF/X standards. Absolutely recommended for both users as well as developers.

Working group PDF/X-3

For several years, the ECI has been actively participating in the development of the ISO-Standard PDF/X-3. In addition, this PDF/X-3 working group has developed a “PDF/X-3 cookbook recipe” though it is only available in German language (see section “Downloads”).

For any questions or discussions with regard to PDF/X in general or in conjunction with ICC based color management, it is recommended to join one of the ECI mailing lists (see section “Mailing lists” for instructions on how to subscribe).